The Mayor, Andrés García, has desisted from completing the processing of the General Plan and keeps it hidden in its drawer since last February, without responding to the General Directorate for Territorial Planning, Architecture and Housing that I raised last June the rectification of a series of deficiencies for its final approval, trampling the general interests of the residents of Totana and lying about the situation in which the document is processed.
After the statements made by the Mayor to a regional press where he expresses literally;
"The General Plan I compare with a puzzle, we will empty it and put the pieces together agreeing", we can appreciate the intention of the socialist not to complete this project, approved by the Plenary Session of the City Council and with the support of his government partner.
We must remind the mayor that any puzzle for many turns that you give, in the end the result is the same, especially when the General Plan has been agreed with technicians, groups and political groups, except the PSOE, which was lifted from meetings held during the previous legislature.
The Mayor lied when he said, referring to the General Plan: "We have not stopped working on it, we are waiting for the Community to approve or deny it", since it is the City Council that had to correct since June 2018 a series of deficiencies raised by the Community and since that date the Mayor has not moved a finger in this regard.
We will ask, in the celebration of the next plenary session of the Town Hall of Totana, Mr. Mayor to stop lying to the neighbors and give the appropriate orders to finalize the processing of one of the most important documents for the development of Totana.
The disaster of the totanero PSOE in matters of urban planning will have important consequences for the municipality.
Has dropped his hands in the Department of urbanism and lack of interest in the General Plan is added the negligence of the Department of Urbanism on the part of its Councilman, who instead of being over the operation of it is exercising " Bodyguard "of Mr. Mayor.
Recently we have seen how the neighbors themselves have to ask the Magi that both the Mayor and the Town Planning Council, respond to their needs, as has happened with the Neighborhood Association of the Gardens that must make a request to the Magi of the East so that they are ignored before their urban demands.
The Department of Urban Planning is unstructured, without organization and without technicians (because of the disorder on the part of those responsible for the Christmas holidays), we are already in mid-January and the disorganization of policy makers, the council is maintained by the good work of its technicians, but not by the organization of the political leaders, which affects residents of Totana, before obtaining their demands before said council.
The state in which the Town Planning Department is located is unsustainable and we ask the Mayor to put order in it and to study if the city councilor should take a step to the side so that his lack of work in said council will not continue to harm the residents of Totana.
Andrés García must explain clearly to the residents of Totana their immobility during these months in the Department of Urbanism and leave in the drawer the PGOU, defending interests other than the general interests of totaneros.
Likewise we would like to know, what is the opinion of its government partners, Ganar Totana-IU, and the position it will take before these statements of Mr. Mayor, since they expressed their approval to the General Plan forwarded to Murcia and that we now see as Mr. Mayor wants to keep paralyzed.
As we said in his day from the Popular Party, we consider that the Socialist Group and its leader, Mr. Andrés García, have dismantled at night and without any political and legal guarantees all the good political and technical work done in the last 6 years within the PGMO.
Source: PP Totana