The Barcelona club of Totana has expanded with 3 new characters its solidarity illusion project, which allows year after year, giving smiles and happiness to people at risk of social exclusion, people with rare diseases, people without diagnosis and people with disabilities.
This project is developed throughout the year, making it possible to carry charitable acts, birthdays and communions, among others the solidarity dolls, collaborating in solidarity with the associations of rare diseases DGENES and the international association of relatives and affected Lipodystrophies AELIP.
Your solidarity allows through it, to maintain the portfolio of services that these associations provide to improve the quality of life of people who live with a rare disease or with any type of Lipodystrophy.
This project is framed within the lines of solidarity action that the Totana Barcelona club develops throughout the year and has established itself as one of the projects with the greatest illusion and social repercussion.
Source: PB Totana