The Local Government Board has recently agreed to the proposal of the Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, to grant a subsidy in kind for the Animal Protection Association "Refugio del Viento", consisting of the delivery of 125 books recently edited by the historian José Antonio Sánchez Pravia under the title "Aledo y Totana in the XV and XVI centuries.
Territory, Landscape, History. "
The purpose of this delivery is that, after the sale of the same, the benefits obtained can be used to finance the activities and projects that the aforementioned association has been carrying out for years in Totana.
Among the activities scheduled to commemorate the Centennial of the City of Totana 1918-2018, was the publication of the aforementioned research work, which has been funded by the City Council of Totana and Aledo at 50%.
From the Department of Culture is considered appropriate the possibility of monetizing the costs of this publication, considering the possibility of making the delivery of a part of the books published to this animal protection association, dedicated to the care and protection of abandoned animals and the realization of awareness campaigns to prevent such abandonments, as well as to promote adoption.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana