The Department of Procurement has initiated the procedure to award the use of pastures in the forest owned by the City of Totana called "Cabezo de la Rendija", which comprises an area of ​​167 hectares and 80 heads sheep (sheep and goats) and an appraisal 107 , 29 euros.
This procedure is carried out in compliance with the resolution of the General Directorate of Natural Environment of September 13, 2018, which approves the Plan of Utilization of the Forests of Public Utility in the Region of Murcia for this annuity, including the pasture resources, aromatic, esparto and crops.
This resolution can be consulted at the following address
http: // www.
The award criteria for the sale of these uses will take place in accordance with the best economic offer from the base price that appears in the aforementioned document of the 2018 annual plan, which amounts to 107.29 euros;
and whose duration would be until March 31, 2019.
Among the requirements, the rematantes will have to be in possession of the Livestock Record in force (article 198 of the Regulation of Epizooties) or the Record Book of Livestock Exploitation, regulated by Order of 16-9-96, of the Ministry of Environment ( BORM n ° 28, of 09/09/96).
Thus, the period for the submission of applications to the Mayor-President of the City of Totana is open and can be presented in the General Register of the City of Totana (SAC) during business hours, or in any of the forms provided for in Law 39/2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, until 2:00 pm on November 23, 2018.
Each offer will be formalized in a sealed envelope with the name "Offer use of pastures";
and this will contain:
The documentation proving the personality of the bidder and, where appropriate, the representation held.
Copy of the cattle list in force or of the registry book of Livestock Exploitation.
Economic proposal.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana