The Local Stage of School Sports Football, organized by the Department of Sports of the City of Totana, and which is organized in collaboration with the teachers of Physical Education of the schools, began last Wednesday, October 17, which In this school year it has the participation of 499 schoolchildren.
In this program participate the twelve schools of the locality: Queen Sofia, Tierno Galván, Santa Eulalia, La Cruz, Luís Pérez Rueda, La Milagrosa, Santiago, Comarca Deitania, San José, Guadalentín, Juan de la Cierva and Prado Mayor.
The competition takes place in the School Room, for the categories of children, cadets and youth;
and on Friday afternoons, in the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" and the School Room, for the juvenile category.
The categories convened in this Local Phase are alevín, infantil, cadet and juvenile, both in masculine modality, and in a first phase all the participating teams have been distributed in groups, with the best classified of each of them being classified for the second phase.
In addition, the three first classified teams of each of the categories will have trophies and medals, and in addition the champion team will have the opportunity to participate in the Intermunicipal Phase of School Sports, organized by the General Directorate of Sports of the Region of Murcia, where the municipality of Totana is framed in group 1, along with Aguilas, Alhama, Aledo, Librilla and Mazarrón.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana