"It is unfair that there are fleets of trucks or service companies that are not paying the tax in the municipality where the company is located, but in the municipalities where the renting companies or business matrices decide"
A very important part of the Financing of the Town Halls contemplated in the Law of Financing of the Local Treasuries is the Tax on Vehicles of Mechanical Traction (IVTM).
In the times in which we live, when the taxes related to Construction have substantially decreased, the IVTM is an important source of income only surpassed by the IBI.
There is a paradox that there are companies or service providers that, due to their property formulas or renting systems for roads, vans or vehicles, do not pay the tax in the municipality in which the company is located or the service is provided.
It is an unfair situation that there are fleets of trucks or service companies that are not paying the tax in Totana, to give an example, and yes in the municipalities where the renting companies or business matrices decide.
"This situation supposes a very serious detriment on the economy of the municipality in which the company is based or has its headquarters, favoring towns or cities in which the companies that manage renting or other modalities of management in vehicles are located."
They affirm.
"Since Ganar Totana IU, we believe that the Law, in this case, lacks the legal and fiscal security that affects importantly and negatively to municipalities such as Totana and Justice, make a specific modification to adapt to the real situation In the municipality where the companies or the vehicles in question are located, we present this motion to urge the modification of the Local Corporations Law so that the vehicles pay their taxes in the Municipality, specifically the IVTM in who provide their services, where the companies that own or use them are located. "
They conclude.
Source: Ganar Totana - IU