Totana commemorated today the World Mental Health Day with the celebration of an institutional act that was held in the plenary hall of the City Council and citizen awareness activities with school children in the Balsa Vieja square of this location.
The events were organized by the Day Center for People with Mental Illness Totana City Council, whose program is held this year with the theme "Inclusive Education, Positive Mental Health" with the intention of highlighting the importance of an education that works diversity and inclusion to achieve more positive mental health.
The event was chaired by the mayor, Andrés García, and the councilor of Social Welfare, Javier Baños, the director of the IES "Prado Mayor", Marisol García;
and the representatives of the IES "Juan Bosco" of Lorca, the "Reina Sofía" School and the Mental Health Center of Lorca, Alfonso Cánovas, Maribel Rubio and José Joaquín García.
In addition, there were professionals and users of the Day Center for People with Mental Illness, a group of intellectual disabled from the "José Moyá Trilla" Day Center and students of the "Reina Sofía" School.
During the event, the participants made a brief reflection related to the theme of this day and the users and students of the "Embarka" project read "Bruno's Story", an exciting and reflective story about the life of a child who suffers from this pathology .
The students of the "Reina Sofía" School have supported in the reading of the story given their participation in the "Embarka" project, initiative of Entrepreneurship in Early Ages directed to the Schools of the Region of Murcia, which have participated in the organization of the activities of this day.
Finally, at the end of the institutional act, students of 4th of ESO from the educational centers "La Milagrosa", "Prado Mayor" and "Reina Sofía" of Totana participated, together with users and professionals of the day centers, in Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, in the educational game about mental health "Pasapalabra".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana