The Day Center for People with Mental Illness of Totana City Council will celebrate World Mental Health Day on October 10, for which it is planned to organize several activities to commemorate this day of citizen awareness.
This year the theme chosen for this day is "Inclusive Education, Positive Mental Health" with the intention of highlighting the importance of an education that works diversity and inclusion to achieve a more positive mental health.
The program includes an institutional act, in the municipal plenary hall, at 11:00 am, which will be attended by municipal authorities, representatives of different teaching centers such as the IES "Juan de la Cierva", "Prado Mayor", CC " Reina Sofía ", IES" Juan Bosco de Lorca "and students of the UCAM;
representatives of the Mental Health Center of Lorca, professionals;
users of the two municipal day centers;
and students of the "Embarka" project, initiative of Entrepreneurship in Early Ages directed to the Schools of the Region of Murcia, who have participated in the organization of the activities of this day.
During the event, participants will offer a brief reflection on the theme of this day and the users and students of the "Embarka" project will read "The Story of Bruno", an exciting and reflective story.
Finally, attendees will meet in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja to participate in the educational game about mental health "Pasapalabra", which will involve students from different educational centers along with users and professionals of the Day Center.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana