"The Murcian Institute for Agricultural Research and Development and Food (IMIDA), is a fundamental axis for R & D + I of a strategic sector of the economy of the region, as is the agricultural"
The Murcian Institute for Agricultural Research and Development and Food (IMIDA), is a Public Research Organization.
Its activity is developed on the agrarian, forestry, food, fishing and any other form of industrial farming.
"It is, therefore, a fundamental center for Research, Development and Innovation of a strategic sector of the economy of the Region of Murcia as it is the primary sector in the fields of agriculture, livestock and aquaculture, especially in a moment like the current one in which this sector should be oriented in the line of overcoming the negative effects that could be derived from the existing climate change situation or the importance of these sectors of the Economy in our town and in the Guadalentín region. "
They insure from Ganar Totana.
However, the situation of this research organization, which is so important for our region, requires urgent investment attention and the provision of places by the Regional Government.
A high percentage, around 50%, of the research and technical staff of IMIDA suffers from instability in the workplace, precariousness maintained in some cases between 10 and 20 years, without a glimpse of a solution until now.
Since 2007 the IMIDA has been losing staff, the hirings made do not compensate the necessary replacement rate, which together with the budget cut that has been occurring since 2010 leave the center in a state of abandonment and inadmissible precariousness.
"The demands of the IMIDA staff are not an exception to what happens in the whole area of ​​the General Administration of the CARM: severe destruction of employment, freezing of Chapter I of the Regional Budgets, labor instability ... Hitting in this case, a strategic sector for the Murcian economy, research in the field of agri-food activity. "
They affirm.
We believe that the Administration has to be decisively involved in strengthening IMIDA, betting on R & D & I in the regional primary sector and in the maintenance and creation of specialized teams that have stability over time in order to develop their research lines.
It is therefore necessary to create net and stable employment, both for research personnel and for technical and administrative support.
Source: Ganar Totana-IU