From the Citizen Platform Now Totana, we want to congratulate those affected by the route of the AVE as it passes through our municipality that, it seems, have an answer to their just demands, achieving the commitment for the realization of a new layout that minimizes the damages that will cause
Beyond the moment of joy, we are completely disconcerted that the celebration and achievement is shared by the ONLY RESPONSIBLE of a situation that should never have occurred.
Not many days ago, our spokesman, Fernando Méndez Garre, during a social gathering moderated by Noel Pérez de Tudela, in which participated along with him, the regional deputy Alfonso Martínez Baños and the spokesman on behalf of those affected, José María Hervás, assured that the issue was resolved, only the opportune moment of communicating it was expected in order to obtain the greatest political benefit.
This is not to be a fortune-teller, simply to know the way of acting of Totana's matches, and time has proved him right.
This is a further manifestation of the functioning of politicians installed for decades in our institutions, not being up to the management that is expected of them, the only thing they resort to is the politicization of any issue, as we have been denouncing, taking advantage of of the goodwill of those affected have tried to mask their incompetence, politicizing the confinement and demonstrations, to appear now as "saviors of affected families", when in reality, by omission or inaction are guilty, both the PP, PSOE and IU , governing or in opposition, so we will continue to wait for a reasoned justification of what happened, but we are afraid that it will remain that way for an indefinite period of time, some of which they want to happen to forget the subject.
When the discourse of some is to constantly ask to assume the political responsibilities in any matter, they try to avoid their responsibility, seeming that the subject does not go with them.
From the Citizen Platform Now Totana we will continue insisting on debugging the responsibilities of this mess, which has kept dozens of families in suspense and locked for more than a month in the Plenary Hall of our City Council, not forgetting that, inevitably there will continue to be some affected that feels injured, because "it never rains to everyone's taste".
Finally, we want to convey to the residents of Totana, that there is another way of doing things, without seeking partisan income, but rather the good of the municipality through a grouping of municipal electors where people of any ideology can fit.
For the first time, the residents of Totana will have the option of not voting for the parties that have led us to the situation of economic and social chaos in the following municipal elections.
With your vote to our future electoral list, Totana may be governed by an option that is not politically manipulated.
Source: Plataforma Ciudadana Ahora Totana