The Local Government Board agrees to liquidate on a quarterly basis the list of expenses corresponding to the Civil Protection Volunteer Group of Totana, which basically refer to equipment and personal clothing in uniform, prevention and protection equipment, and reimbursable expenses to the volunteers that the service performance of the voluntary action has caused them.
In addition, they also include, among these, the expenses caused by the formation of its components;
and the equipment of computer equipment and communications.
The agreement is established taking into account that the reimbursable expenses for the performance of the voluntary action during the actions carried out by the grouping in the matter of Civil Protection, in no case will result in the collection of fixed amounts for periods of time, and Considering that the payments to the volunteers can not have the character of remunerations but of compensation for expenses in which they may have incurred (maintenance, displacements, etc.).
These expenses must be adjusted to the following limits:
- If the compensation is in cash, the maximum amount per volunteer / day of service will be 16 euros.
Without in any case the accumulation of services within the calendar month may result in exceeding the amount of 320 euros per volunteer.
- If the compensation is made against justification of maintenance expenses, it can not exceed the amount of 12 euros per day and person, amount that will be justified by ticket or invoice.
To do this, the Civil Protection Volunteer Group must present, within the first ten days of each calendar quarter, an explanatory report that will summarize the actions developed and the results obtained during the entire quarter, to which the list will be attached. of the concrete activities carried out with the volunteers participating in each one of them, and the original invoices or tickets.
This agreement is established considering that the City Council has among its objectives, in social matters, allow and promote the collaboration of those who, voluntarily and selflessly, wish to contribute with their personal activity in tasks related to civil protection, citizen security and welfare of the municipality.
The Association of Volunteers of Civil Protection has as main objective to collaborate with the City Council to provide assistance in these matters, performing voluntary actions, among which the collaboration in the different activities of general interest and solidarity character such as social events, sports and humanitarian activities that take place in this municipality.
These tasks are developed by the people belonging to the Association in a free way, without economic or material consideration;
without prejudice to the payment of the reimbursable expenses that the performance of the voluntary action causes them.
The Association of Volunteers of Civil Protection of Totana has been carrying out tasks in Civil Protection, such as collaborating in preventive surveillance and detection of forest fires and providing logistical support to the fire brigade (tanks, hydrants) as well as collaborating under the direction of its staff in their interventions.
In addition, it collaborates with the Local Police in surveillance tasks in the field of Environment, in the works of annual update of the Emergency Plan, with the services of Local Police and Civil Guard in sporting events, pilgrimages, processions of Holy Week, Carnival , natural catastrophes, etc., throughout the year.
Likewise, the ambulance service has been provided at municipal events and when required by this Administration, in the case of a conventional transport service and, with occasions as advanced life support, as well as with health services in accidents or any incident in which be precise.
It also organizes training activities to instruct on the management of preventive material (fire extinguishers or any other measure of prevention and safety), on first aid and other sanitary matters (handling of defibrillator) and safety in emergency cases (earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.) complementing the same with the respective simulations when the circumstances allow it.
Volunteers attend the telephone numbers 968 424 252 (Grouping switchboard) and 112 calls for emergencies;
to homeless and needy people on the days when the weather conditions require it;
as well as various actions required by the residents of the municipality, such as captures of animals that may pose a danger to the population, control of nests or swarms of bees, wasps or other insects located in urban centers or residential areas, among many other tasks and objectives.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana