The Local Police of Totana has joined the awareness campaign to improve the safety of pedestrians on the urban road, which will take place during the next week, from tomorrow May 14 to 18, promoted by the Traffic Department .
This initiative is promoted in compliance with instruction 15 / TV-84 of the Traffic Department that regulates the programming of Control and Surveillance Campaigns at the provincial or regional level during 2018.
In fact, the Provincial Traffic Headquarters of Murcia, analyzing accident data for 2017, will promote this awareness campaign to improve the safety of pedestrians in the urban road, which is motivated by the increase in accidents of pedestrians during the year 2017.
In the Region of Murcia, there were a total of 299 accidents with victims in which there is at least one pedestrian involved (representing 12% of the total number of accidents with victims), 14 deaths, 43 injured hospitalized and 250 injured not hospitalized, which makes a total of 307 pedestrian victims.
Of these totals, a total of 279 accidents with victims, 10 deaths, 39 hospitalized injuries and 237 non-hospitalized injuries correspond to the urban route.
In addition, of the 10 fatalities, 7 were over 61 years old (70%).
Of the latter, 4 were in the age bracket between 81 and 90 years.
The remaining 3 belonged to the group between 31 and 50 years.
It is also important to note that in 50% of the deceased pedestrians, that is, in 5 fatalities, presence of alcohol in blood was detected after the toxicological analysis carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine.
The main objective of the campaign is to avoid the abuses of pedestrians using urban roads, so that Local Police officers will make special importance in informing pedestrians to ensure that their mobility is carried out safely in crossings and streets from the urban center of Totana.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana