The 2nd flight contest of the Palomo "Cuco Lorquino" has been made in successive Sundays of March and April.
The results and delivery of the awards took place on Saturday May 5th.
This year only prizes were awarded to the champion and absolute runner-up and two special mentions to the best flight pigeon and another to the best work pigeon, as reported by the Pigeon Society of "Santa Eulalia" of Totana .
They have participated a total of 27 pigeons (of the cuckoo Lorquino race, since these competitions are monoraza), with the following results:
Absolute champion: a pigeon by José García with a pink white feather.
Runner-up: a steel feather pigeon by José Navarro Plazas (runner-up for the second year)
Mention to the best flight pigeon: a steely feather pigeon by Juan Diego García López
Mention to the best working pigeon: an iron-tipped pigeon by Nicolás García Sánchez.
This year it has counted on the collaboration of an experienced Lorca pigeon and connoisseur of the breed since childhood, in addition to being a national judge: Don Pedro Mateo.