The petition, which has been launched by the Plataforma Ave Totana Fuerza Ciudadana, is as follows:
The Ave Totana-Fuerza Ciudadana Platform wants to express our firm opposition to the Platform Construction Project of the Mediterranean High-Speed ​​Corridor Murcia-Almería: Sangonera-Lorca section, as well as to an unfair and totally antisocial High-Speed ​​Train Layout.
The current layout that Adif imposes on the Totanera citizenship, publishing in the BOE on April 12 the list of expropriations and affected, giving a ridiculous period of up to May 4 to individuals to claim, is a decline in quality life of many neighborhoods that are affected by expropriations, occupations and easements that affect their properties for life and that involve the loss of their homes, their farms, their livelihoods.
All this without forgetting the environmental impact of the loss of trees, affections in aquifers, wells, etc.
This train, deceptively "high speed", from nowhere to nowhere, nonsense and waste, has been the subject of debate and mobilization for many years in all the towns, cities and regions where it has been projected.
It is a meaningless and unnecessary macroinfrastructure, it is not admissible from the point of view of social profitability, it crosses our community but it does not respond to its interests or needs, it is an unjustifiable economic waste and it is representative of a "wild development model".
The Government of Madrid has left the project dormant as a result of the economic crisis for a long time and now that the elections are in a hurry to approve it, closing the door to any participation and alternative proposal.
Support the TAV and in particular to this path that affects Totana means going against the citizens live better, to move towards a more just society, and in terms of sustainable mobility and public transport, is above all going against the "common sense".
The plenary session of the Totana City Council unanimously approved on April 26 a Motion in which it requires ADIF and the Ministry of Public Works to withdraw this layout project, demanding to continue with the previous layout that was less damaging.
In the same way, they committed to work in the search for alternatives to the layout, as well as solutions that lessen the citizens of Totana.
For all this:
1. We place a summons to the City Council, which as committed in the plenary of April 26, put all possible technical and legal means at your disposal, as well as to rely on the work being developed by this Platform with people from technical and legal profile, so that collaboration and joint work is done with the aim of:
- On the one hand, give clear, complete and detailed information to the affected people so that they can assess the damage that the layout imposed by ADIF, as well as that of the previous alternative, and be able to assess with contrasted data and objectives the damages of both, being able at this moment to position itself, from the knowledge.
- On the other hand, have prepared before 2 May the technical and legal work necessary for the affected people to present their arguments, which have a deadline on May 4, the technical and legal arguments to paralyze this bleeding path and / or the alternatives to the layout that may involve the necessary changes in the infrastructures so that the condition is as minimal as possible.
2. We launched an appeal to all citizens of Totana, as well as to all political and social agents to promote the mobilizations that could be carried out, in a joint manner and without partisanship. "
If you are interested in supporting this cause, you can do it on the website