For the PSOE, "while juggling the mayor have made it possible to continue collecting the garbage and street cleaning will take place in the second half of May, the fact is that payrolls last month still not recovered"
Remember that "in April, the concessionaire of refuse collection and cleaning, said it canceled its contract with the city of Totana, because he was 12 M €.
They also report that "in the company's decision given the situation untenable for late payment of the council, the mayor asked them to continue providing service until another company took over the task, Andreo commitment to liquidate the end of each month the amount needed for the company for responding to the payroll of the workers. "
The Socialists are convinced that "this delay in payment of the payroll is due to the failure of the mayor of his commitment to the company, so that payrolls are still charged, but has already spent nearly a third of next month."
They have also stated that "many workers have turned to them to express the tragic situation they are living in their families, being mileuristas salaries and not being able to meet their obligations with their mortgage and family expenses."
For the PSOE "ultimately responsible for this mess is Andreo, far from trying to take the drama of the situation and consensus to overcome Logar municipal ruin, is fooling everyone with false promises that can not keep, such as pay payroll in a timely manner of the employees of The General. "
Also criticized the attitude of the company, in short, is the only one contractual relationship with its workers, so that you are required to comply with its obligations towards the workers, or simply withdraw from Totana and transfer the problem to the mayor it is who has created and who should resolve. "
Finally the socialists say that "the situation will worsen even more when between 10 and 15 June the council to meet its commitments to the General, have to pay the extra pay to workers who, by convention, should payable on those dates, and can not do it. "
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo