Councilman and Economic Development and Employment Promotion, José Antonio Valverde Queen, received more than 50 students of IES Prado Mayor "who participated in the open day of the CLD, which is part of the" Forum for Socio-Economic and Strategic Development "organized by the Department of Employment Development and the City of Totana.
On that day, the students visited the premises to find services and resources provided by the Centre for Local Development, where they were greeted by the staff and council of the Department, who accompanied them at all times to explain the operation of same.
Specifically, the open day was attended by students of Middle Level Training Cycles and 4 º ESO, HUB Project, which also underwent a brief discussion of self-employment counseling.
Subsequently, visited "in situ" a company of the Industrial, "Martinez Ayala, to learn the production process carried out for the manufacture of printing inks and the different departments in a company is organized (making , management, marketing, etc..).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana