The councilman of Social Welfare, Juan Carrion, attended the meeting of the Advisory Council of Vocational Centre "José Moya, which has taken place recently, which discussed relevant issues concerning the operation of the Centre such as the addition of two new professionals monitor occupational and sports instructor.
Similarly, issues such as extending the schedule of attention to students for next year, with the advancement of the onset of activity on 1 September and was reported the next addition to the network center of Services System for Autonomy and Care Unit.
On the other hand, the mayor reported the next run of performances for the building's HVAC Occupational Center.
Also, the coordinator of the center reported on the selection of two students at the school to participate, representing the Region of Murcia, in the national championship of athletics for regional selections.
Also discussed the upcoming launch within hours of the activity center, a computer course to be held every Friday from 9:15 to 13:15 hours and will give an external monitor to center.
Finally, Council members visited the exhibition of Mail Art, organized by the Experimental Workshop of Visual Arts, and coordinated by Paco Salcedo, where you can see works by artists from over 13 countries that responded to the call made from our center.
The Advisory Council was elected democratically and in accordance with its statutes, in July 2008, and in it are represented families, professionals and students of that center, and also the municipal corporation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana