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The PP Totana ensures that "the socialist government has raised taxes three times already with lies" (21/05/2010)

The president of the PP in Totana, Isabelle Nau, stated that "the socialist government again lied to raise taxes on all citizens regardless of who presented with a manifesto that promised to not raise taxes and it reaffirmed his inaugural address. "

Nau stated that "first we raised taxes on gasoline and snuff, two days after Salgado's denial on the eve of European elections, then we raised taxes on savings, after stating that no contemplate further increases, and finally, they went up the VAT to all citizens after stating that the measures revenue would touch us. "

He also claims that "the socialist government again lied because they are the lowest incomes hardest hit by tax increases, since higher taxes on electricity, telephone, gasoline and snuff have wasted more purchasing power to those who have less. "

He also noted that "the VAT hike will reduce the purchasing power of those below and the freezing of pensions will lower the purchasing power of pensioners with low pensions."

Nau has reiterated that "Shoemaker must begin to cut their own costs and eliminate unnecessary ministries such as Equality, Housing and the Vice President created by Chavez," and has demanded that "the Government recover the pledge to meet the budgetary stability."

He has also said that "the CP calls for a reform of the entire public sector to avoid duplication and to define well the limits of competence" and said that "the cuts in government spending must also reach the current expenditure and transfers to international organizations ".

Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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