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JS Totana asked the institutions to take steps to transsexuality disappears from the catalog of mental disorders (17/05/2010)

Today May 17 marks the 20th anniversary of the abolition by the General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses.

In recent years, LGBT has reasserted the statement by the UN on 17 May as World Day against the LGBT-phobia, a claim which was endorsed in March 2009 by the Congress of Deputies.

But we need more support, so Young Socialists of Totana, quieremos use this anniversary show to show support for this claim, and to urge the government, to join it.

Totana JS asked the institutions to take steps to transsexuality disappears from the catalog of mental illness WHO

Totana Socialist Youth has claimed the need for institutions to take measures to ensure that transsexuality Catalog disappears from the WHO Mental Disorders, as did 20 years ago with homosexuality, since "depathologization" of transsexuality help progressive disappearance of social and legal barriers to this group.

Young Socialists urge the institutions to, as did the Congress of Deputies in 2008, claiming that the UN declaration of May 17 as International Day against LGBT-phobia.

Remember also that "it is precisely the transsexual community the hardest hit in this type of discrimination, which unfortunately still many transgender persons condemned to marginalization, mainly due to difficulties encountered in accessing good jobs."

According to the youth, "in Spain we have put ourselves at the forefront of civil rights and liberties.

The world looks at us and in many cases we imitate after the civil code amendment allowing marriage and adoption by same-sex couples, the adoption of the Law of the rectification of registration of the indication of the sex of the individual, dignifies allowing transgender people make necessary changes relating to sex and name of official documentation.

But everyone know that what is legal is not enough. "

For the young socialists, "but thankfully we got that from the legal standpoint the LGBT enjoy the same rights and freedoms, in real life, day by day, there are still discriminatory attitudes must be stopped and corrected.

Behaviors of rejection and discrimination against transgender persons and especially lesbians, who have not yet gotten their relationships are fully accepted and seen as normal by large sectors of society. "

"Therefore, from JS Totana we will continue to require an education in respect and tolerance, capable of empathy, and to demonstrate to citizens that there is no differences between them, that we want to imagine" .

"In this regard, Young Socialists are convinced that the Law on Equal Treatment and Discrimination against all currently under development by the Government, will become a fundamental tool for achieving the full and effective equality for LGBT among others, and help to anyone having to hide or show to love as it really is, for fear that it will stunt the power when entering the job market, buy or rent a home or take action day day.

That is, provided we can all enjoy in equal our status as full citizens. "

"We have to get increasingly less citizens who look the other way when someone in their daily environment and family, in education or employment is discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and turning increasingly to citizenship in promoting the social transformation that ultimately we would like to achieve. "

"So we take our claim that the May 17 to become the World Day against the LGBT-phobia to remember that equality, that we have been recognized in the law is not part yet of the lives of many lesbians , gay, transsexual and bisexual "concludes the youth association.

Source: JS Totana

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