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Totana News - March 2020

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The Department of Equality condemns the last act of gender violence in the Canary Islands (31/03/2020)
    Remember that the CAVI keeps its service operational by telephone assistance
  • The mayor warns employers in the estate that industries that have not adapted their production to the necessary manufacturing of the state of alarm should stop their activity (31/03/2020)

  • The General Directorate of Emergencies delivers to the Local Police and Civil Protection several batches of masks for its staff and volunteers (31/03/2020)

  • Military of the Spanish Army return to collaborate in the tasks of control and awareness on public roads and containment of commercial activity, along with the Civil Guard and Local Police (31/03/2020)

  • The Totana City Council supports the "WORLD DAY OF LIPODISTROPHIES 2020" (31/03/2020)

  • Culture organizes the Painting Contest for Schoolchildren within the “Totana from home†program (31/03/2020)
    In order to promote entertainment during confinement
  • The Local Police increases, once again, the number of disciplinary proceedings opened in the last hours after the tightening of the measures (31/03/2020)
    20 more sanctions are imposed and 5 vehicles are intercepted without permission on public roads in the last 24 hours
  • ... (31/03/2020)

  • Local Police and Civil Guard intensify controls to enforce the circulation of non-essential activities workers who cannot go to work after a new decree (30/03/2020)

  • The Management of Health Area III will inform the authorities and police officers of the case of patients who fail to comply with quarantine or isolation (30/03/2020)

  • The Irrigation Community delivers 7,000 protection masks to the Totana City Council for distribution to the neediest professionals and groups in the municipality (30/03/2020)

  • The City Council adheres to the World Day of Lipodystrophies that is celebrated tomorrow March 31 with the placement of a commemorative banner (30/03/2020)

  • Important change of weather in Spain that will also leave rains in the Murcia Region (30/03/2020)

  • The Government of Spain extends the restrictions on funeral services, preventing the courtship of three relatives (30/03/2020)
    It also prohibits the rise in prices of funeral services
  • The City Council offers a telematic service for job counseling and guidance on essential activities and services (30/03/2020)

  • The Ministry of Health records, to date, a total of 7 cases of coronavirus in Totana since the epidemic began in the Region of Murcia (30/03/2020)
    Nine people have died in the last 24 hours in the Region of Murcia by COVID- 19;
  • "Some important considerations" (Sunday, March 29) (29/03/2020)
    Juan José Cánovas, mayor of Totana
  • The Municipal Library "Mateo García" resumes, starting tomorrow, the free activity of the Storytelling Workshop (29/03/2020)
    It will be online to confront confinement
  • ... (29/03/2020)

  • ... (29/03/2020)

  • The mayor signs a faction so that the little mouse Pérez can go to the houses of the totaneros children (29/03/2020)

  • The first neighbor of Totana discharged after becoming infected in her work urges the population to obey the house confinement decreed by the health authorities (29/03/2020)

  • "The complicated balance in information in the midst of the storm" (28/03/2020)
    Juan José Cánovas, mayor of Totana
  • In Totana, 6 confirmed cases of COVID19 infection have been registered until March 27 (28/03/2020)
    In the Region of Murcia, up to the date of the report, 802 cases have been registered
  • Telepizza Totana remembers that the home service is still active (28/03/2020)

  • The Ministry of Health recorded, as of yesterday, a total of 6 cases of coronavirus in Totana since the epidemic began in the Region of Murcia (28/03/2020)
    In addition, in Lorca there are 13 cases of COVID-19, while in Ãguilas 9 other cases are registered
  • As of today, wakes are prohibited in Totana (27/03/2020)
    This has been announced by the mayor, Juan José Cánovas
  • Members of the Parachute Brigade with headquarters in Javalí, arrive in Totana (27/03/2020)

  • The Totana Merchants Association makes a donation of medical supplies to the Totana Norte Health Center (27/03/2020)
    In addition, the Brotherhood of Santa María Cleofé and Coronación de Espinas has made another donation to the Totana Sur Health Center
  • They organize the "Totana from home" Photography Contest (27/03/2020)
    To stimulate social and creative activity during house confinement
  • ... (27/03/2020)

  • BRIPAC military support in control and awareness work on public roads and containment of commercial activity, along with the Civil Guard and Local Police (27/03/2020)

  • Do you have a Decathlon Snorkeling Easybreath mask? (27/03/2020)
    Civil Protection Totana appeals to donate them for use in mild patients with coronavirus
  • Emotional farewell in Rafael Méndez to the first infected woman who is discharged, who is a neighbor from Totana (27/03/2020)

  • The WhatsApp audio message that ensures that the Totana Health Center is infected with coronavirus is a hoax (27/03/2020)

  • ... (26/03/2020)

  • More than 80 seamstresses participate in the manufacture of masks and sanitary gowns (26/03/2020)
    A solidarity initiative coordinated by the Spanish Red Cross and promoted by the City Council
  • The Department of Culture promotes the "Totana from home" program, with remote activities for the whole family (26/03/2020)

  • A new worsening of the weather will bring us rain and cold (26/03/2020)
    The second half of March is being cold and humid in much of Spain, but especially in the southeast, and thus it seems that it will continue to be so during the last days of March
  • The residents of Totana will be able to pay the next receipts of the Municipal Water Service from their homes from April (25/03/2020)

  • They hold a meeting of the Social Action Group for Emergencies in order to give a coordinated and effective response to the most vulnerable population (25/03/2020)

  • The Cabildo will donate € 3,000 to support those most in need (25/03/2020)
    The Illustrious Superior Council of Totana Processions stands in solidarity and sensitizes with the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The mayor holds a meeting with municipal officials in the area of ​​Social Welfare to coordinate aid and actions for the most vulnerable families (24/03/2020)

  • Mobel Sport collaborates with the Totana Red Cross manufacturing sanitary protection material (24/03/2020)

  • "Coordinating resources in a complicated situation" (24/03/2020)
    "The day when there is no news. It can be said that it is the good news," reports the mayor of Totana
  • Local Police carry out 40 more sanctions in the last 24 hours for violating the Law on Protection of Citizen Security (24/03/2020)

  • The suspension of the surface parking regulation and control service (ORA) is extended for at least another fifteen days (24/03/2020)
    In addition, the maintenance of parks and gardens and public sports facilities is suspended
  • Seniors are advised not to go to banks to collect their pension to avoid unnecessary risks from the coronavirus (24/03/2020)
    Beneficiaries are guaranteed to collect benefits and must do so electronically, at ATMs, or have a child or family member manage them young
  • Two totaneros in Australia ask for help to return to Spain (24/03/2020)
    The totaneros Román and Silvia relate in a video broadcast this morning on social networks that they are in Australia experiencing a "quite delicate" situation
  • The mayor denies that the sister nuns of Sor Tomasa were admitted to Hospital Rafael Méndez (23/03/2020)

  • A doctor, the father of a student at the Colegio de La Milagrosa, sends a message of calm after the sad news known yesterday (23/03/2020)

  • The mayor denies that the religious companions of the deceased nun were admitted (23/03/2020)
    Stresses that the City Council safeguarded the right to privacy of the deceased
  • The City Council disseminates the telephones of the main public services (23/03/2020)
    And requires citizens to confine their homes as the best guarantee for the future
  • Social Welfare offers Health Area III the municipal vehicles adapted for the scheduled transport of dialysis patients and other pathologies (23/03/2020)

  • Cánovas: "Some data of hope" (23/03/2020)
    "I get news from confined people that if they continue to evolve without symptoms"
  • Garbage from households with positive cases in coronavirus must go to the household waste bin (23/03/2020)
    The general provision of the Ministry of Health published in the Official State Gazette establishes instructions on waste management in the situation of sanitary crisis caused by COVID -19
  • Local Police inform agricultural laborers of measures to avoid the risk of contagion when traveling to their workplaces (23/03/2020)

  • Tomorrow Tuesday the rains intensify, as reported by the Totana Civil Protection (23/03/2020)

  • They disinfect, in depth and disinterestedly, the entire fleet of vehicles of the Local Police and Civil Protection of Totana (23/03/2020)

  • The mayor reports some questions and considerations at the end of the day (23/03/2020)

  • The mayor reports the latest news "that are not as good as I would like" (22/03/2020)
    Unfortunately, 1 more positive is confirmed in Totana.
  • Totana Red Cross is coordinating an initiative for the manufacture of Sanitary Masks and Gowns (22/03/2020)
    It is planned to manufacture 2,000 pieces per week, both masks and gowns
  • The Local Police sanctions 17 more people for disobedience and raises this figure to 42 in this municipality since the state of alarm entered (22/03/2020)

  • Starting today, food stores and establishments of less than 300 meters will close at 7:00 pm (21/03/2020)
    In addition, volunteer networks will be organized to collaborate from home
  • They warn of the existence of two scammers in Totana who charge 150 euros to older people for the alleged management of accountants (21/03/2020)

  • All businesses in Totana that had authorization to open under the Royal Decree on the State of Alarm, as of today, will close at 7:00 pm (21/03/2020)

  • A Bando de Alcaldía orders all shops to be closed on Sundays and holidays, except for essential establishments until the end of the health crisis (21/03/2020)

  • CARM orders the closure of commercial establishments included in areas of great tourist influence on sundays and holidays (21/03/2020)
    Exceptions are established for convenience stores at gas stations, pharmacies, bakeries, takeaways and newspapers
  • "We continue in the fight against the coronavirus" (20/03/2020)
    Juan José Cánovas: "This morning there is no news yet and that is not bad news"
  • The weather is unstable for the next few days, as reported by the Totana Civil Protection (20/03/2020)
    The weather is complicated again in the southeast this weekend, with rains, this time yes, generalized and locally intense
  • The Local Police carry out 15 more sanctions in the last 24 hours for violating the Law on Protection of Citizen Security (20/03/2020)
    The numbers of those sanctioned are going to multiply in the coming days due to the increase in fixed and mobile police controls
  • The mayor calls for the entire business activity of the municipality to be paralyzed except for that related to agriculture and food supply (20/03/2020)
    Advocates for the maintenance of basic health and pharmacy services, citizen security and emergencies
  • Juan José Cánovas: "I reiterate my call for calm and tranquility" (19/03/2020)
    Asks that no personal data be disclosed to anyone
  • The mayor reports that positive cases for coronavirus have not been spread in the municipality (19/03/2020)

  • The Local Police is already processing 25 sanctions for disobedience (19/03/2020)
    It will intensify, together with the Civil Guard, the controls starting tomorrow in companies, vehicles and neighborhood communities
  • It dawns on a Wednesday without a market and without the noise of these hours in the Plaza (18/03/2020)

  • The mayor reports on the measures taken today (18/03/2020)
    "Today can be a difficult day and we must be prepared for everything. But, yes, keeping calm and waiting to receive information, without alarming or panicking"
  • The Mayor's Office issues several resolutions declaring the minimum essential services to manage the health crisis situation and contain the progression of the epidemic (18/03/2020)

  • The Mayor of Totana highlights three important issues to keep in mind at this time (18/03/2020)

  • Civil Protection channels company actions and the transfer of food and medicine among the most vulnerable population (18/03/2020)
    With the help of Social Services and NGOs
  • The Local Police are grateful for the numerous donations of protection material by the Chinese community, companies and individuals (18/03/2020)
    In the last 24 hours, no more sanctions for disobedience have been processed and the closure of a new premises has been ordered
  • "As it was to be feared, we already have a positive case today in Totana of Coronavirus", as confirmed by the mayor of Totana (18/03/2020)
    "And it is possible that it will be the general trend in the coming days"
  • They disinfect widely used areas, such as Health Centers, Pharmacies, Large Surfaces .. (17/03/2020)
    This is how the Mayor of Totana explains it on social networks
  • There is no record that there are new incidences or positives for coronavirus in Totana, according to the mayor (17/03/2020)
    In addition, 18 sanctions for disobedience and an act of closure of activity have been managed
  • The municipal cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" in Totana and the parish church of El Paretón are closed, authorizing only the access of 15 people to the burials (17/03/2020)
    Level 1 of the Civil Protection Plan is activated and 18 more sanctions are processed for disobedience under the state of alarm
  • Thieves disguised as doctors, nurses or members of the Red Cross (17/03/2020)
    Totana Red Cross warns of a scam of "heartless and scoundrels" who intend to rob older people at home
  • Members of the Civil Guard and Local Police intensify and tighten controls, both at fixed and mobile points, warning of the need for house confinement (17/03/2020)
    A total of 19 sanctions for disobedience are processed and 5 closings of premises are ordered
  • Action protocols are intensified to protect municipal personnel, increasing the thorough cleaning and disinfection of their facilities (17/03/2020)

  • Totana activates its Municipal Territorial Plan for Civil Protection, level 1 to coordinate all the resources and municipal resources mobilized against the coronavirus epidemic (17/03/2020)

  • IMPORTANT: "In the municipality of Totana there is NOT A SINGLE CASE of positive in coronavirus" (17/03/2020)
    At 17:30 hours today, Tuesday, I can inform you that there is not a SINGLE CASE of a positive for coronavirus, he assures the mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas
  • Worker seriously injured after being hit by a forklift at a company in Totana (17/03/2020)

  • "Thank you carriers" (17/03/2020)
    Civil Protection places a banner to thank the professionals of the transport sector for their work and they turn to the initiative
  • Call for an Extraordinary Procession in Totana when the Coronavirus crisis is overcome (17/03/2020)

  • "Another decisive day begins in the fight against the coronavirus" (16/03/2020)
    The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, advances some measures that are being adopted and remembers basic advice
  • The surface parking regulation and control service (ORA) is suspended for at least fifteen days (16/03/2020)

  • The municipal services and dependencies will be closed until further notice, recommending making telephone or telematic procedures (16/03/2020)
    Telephone and telematic attention services are reinforced when face-to-face care is suspended
  • D´Genes gave a storytelling to students of Early Childhood Education to raise awareness about rare diseases (16/03/2020)

  • La Rasera Food continues to provide takeaways and implements home delivery (16/03/2020)

  • "In general lines, we comply with the rules", according to the mayor of Totana (15/03/2020)

  • The formation of a DANA will cause some rain in the Region of Murcia in the coming days (15/03/2020)

  • The totanera Elissabeth Jordán asks through music to stay home due to the coronavirus health crisis (15/03/2020)

  • "Together we will get out of this situation" (15/03/2020)
    From the Aula Konect @ project they call for calm to the group of adolescent girls and boys who, by their very nature of their age, crave freedom and need to relate to their peers
  • The "XII Tour of Sierra Espuña", organized by the Totana Hiking Club, which was scheduled for April 4, is postponed (14/03/2020)

  • Students of the Manoli Cánovas School of Dance receive a master class from the first dancer of the St. Petersburg ballet (14/03/2020)

  • "Let sanity prevail, please !!!" (14/03/2020)
    Juan José Cánovas, mayor of Totana, remembers that irresponsibility can trigger infections
  • The mayor of Totana will attend neighborhood appointments starting Monday through video calls (14/03/2020)
    In order to maintain attention to the public by avoiding direct contact
  • Totana Merchants Association Communiqué (14/03/2020)
    The Totana Merchants Association insists that there is no reason for concern about shortages
  • The City Council advises the imminent closure of all commercial and hospitality establishments, except those for the supply of basic necessities (14/03/2020)
    Urgent recollection of citizens is urged to avoid concentrations and crowds of people in public spaces
  • Totana Hoteliers Associations applaud CARM's decision to close their establishments until further notice (14/03/2020)

  • The processions and acts of Holy Week in Totana are suspended (14/03/2020)

  • Mercadona will take steps to ensure that the unfortunate images that have been produced this morning in Totana are not repeated (14/03/2020)
    This is clear from the conversation of the head of Institutional Relations of Mercadona in Murcia with the mayor of Totana
  • The Municipal Sports Center "December 6" and the School Hall hosted the Intermunicipal Phase of School Sports Room Soccer (13/03/2020)

  • A total of 405 schoolchildren participated last week in the School Water Day (13/03/2020)

  • Colegio Reina Sofía participated in the Regional Final of Playing Athletics Benjamin of School Sports (13/03/2020)
    It was held in Cartagena
  • Ãguilas hosted the Intermunicipal Phase of School Sports Volleyball (13/03/2020)
    It had the participation of a female children's team from Colegio Reina Sofía
  • They carry out cleaning and maintenance work in the bed of the Rambla de La Santa as it passes through the town of Totana (13/03/2020)

  • Cinema Velasco Totana temporarily postpones its activity (13/03/2020)
    Follow the recommendations and measures adopted by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare before COVID-19
  • Communiqué from Councilor José Antonio Andreo (Now Totana) replying to one of the questions asked to the Councilor for infrastructures (13/03/2020)

  • The Mayor's Office issues a municipal Bando reporting the measures of prevention and protection of the population to combat the spread of COVID-19 (13/03/2020)

  • Totana municipal technicians attend the presentation, in Cehegín, of the activities program of the Puntopyme Network for the year 2020 (12/03/2020)

  • El Candil Collective initiates different occupational training actions within the Labor Project A step towards employability (12/03/2020)

  • The Totana City Council adopts the first urgent preventive measures in the different public care services due to the coronavirus epidemic (12/03/2020)

  • The MOVE Sports Center decides to keep its doors open (12/03/2020)

  • Until March 31, all municipal premises are closed and all activities and programs promoted by the City Council are suspended due to the risk of transmission of the coranovirus (12/03/2020)
    E also cancel all spaces and events organized by third parties in municipal offices;
  • Who is right and who is wrong? (12/03/2020)
    Roque Murcia publishes the writing that “could not†be published in the Easter 2020 magazine “because it is an opinion piece;
  • All acts organized by the Cabildo and the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods are suspended until March 31 (12/03/2020)

  • The Totanero PP is made available to the mayor and asks for a monitoring commission for the containment of the coronavirus (11/03/2020)

  • The acquisition of a vehicle for Civil Protection is agreed, subject to its financing through advertising (11/03/2020)

  • Awarded the repair works of the cushioning pavement and children's games of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" (11/03/2020)

  • Intermunicipal Phase and Regional Finals of School-age Sport are suspended due to the coronavirus (11/03/2020)

  • The deadline for appointing representatives in the new Agricultural and Livestock Advisory Council is extended until March 24 (11/03/2020)

  • The mayor is grateful for the institutional disposition of all municipal groups to face and coordinate joint actions for the coronavirus epidemic in this municipality (11/03/2020)
    The mayor says that the information to the spokespersons and the general public will be fluid and transparent within the limitations that exist
  • TOTANA ACTION statement regarding the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on our municipality (11/03/2020)

  • More than a dozen activities make up the "Totana Cultural" program for the month of March (10/03/2020)
    Also included are visits to the archaeological site La Bastida and the Museum of the Tower of Santiago
  • The Plenary urges the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla to provide La Sierra with water from the Montisol reservoir (10/03/2020)

  • Award of the contract for the demolition by ruin, through subsidiary execution, of a building on San Ildefonso Street (10/03/2020)

  • A five-month-old baby, resident in Totana, second case of coronavirus in Murcia (09/03/2020)
    The prognosis of the child is mild, but the case has generated great concern among the residents of Totana
  • Peña Alegría, first prize foreign comparsas of the IV Parade of Carnival Parades of Torre Pacheco (09/03/2020)

  • Institutional appearance of the mayor of Totana for the case of coronavirus in Totana (09/03/2020)

  • The City Council reiterates the message of tranquility, responsibility and prudence in the first case of coronavirus in Totana (09/03/2020)

  • Third and last open letter to the Illustrious Cabildo of Processions of Totana (09/03/2020)
    Francisco Guerao López
  • The mayor of Totana clarifies the latest hoax that runs through networks and WhatsApp (08/03/2020)

  • The CAT makes a march for Women's Day and participates in four other tests (08/03/2020)

  • ... (08/03/2020)

  • Communiqué of the Board of Directors of the Illustrious Superior Council of Processions on the Museum of Holy Week in Totana (07/03/2020)

  • More than 30 companies in the polygon adapt to industry 4.0 by connecting to broadband since the beginning of this year that this project is offered (07/03/2020)

  • Paper Dreams dazzles at the Eagles Carnival, and obtains the first prize of the National Contest of Foreign Comparsas (07/03/2020)

  • Institutional act of Women's Day Totana 2020 (07/03/2020)
    Totana pays tribute to its women, at the proposal of associations or groups that make up the Municipal Council of Equality, during the institutional act of Women's Day
  • Cánovas: "The assessment of the City of Totana and the paradoxes of life" (06/03/2020)

  • Colegio La Milagrosa gets first place in the Regional Final of School Sports Table Tennis, held in Mazarrón (06/03/2020)

  • New Free Professional Certificate Course on “Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services†(06/03/2020)

  • The Commonwealth of the Canals of the Taibilla gives to the City Council the House of the Guardian for uses of public interest (06/03/2020)
    It also guarantees the supply of the Complex of La Santa and La Sierra
  • They present the program of cultural activities organized by the Musical Association of Totana on the occasion of its 40th anniversary (06/03/2020)
    It is celebrated this year
  • Institutional Manifesto on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day (06/03/2020)
    Secondary Education students read the Institutional Manifesto on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, which takes place next Sunday 8-M
  • One more year, and following a tradition that dates back to the 19th century in Totana, the first Friday of March, the day of Christ of Medinaceli is celebrated (06/03/2020)

  • "The decision of the Cabildo is void" (05/03/2020)
    Open letter to the Illustrious Superior Cabildo of Processions of Holy Week in Totana
  • "In the years 2019 and 2020 the debt with the garbage collection company has been reduced by € 1,730,000" (05/03/2020)
    "Since June 2015, when workers accumulated 4 payrolls without paying for the City Council debt, they have not there has not been a single labor incident due to non-payment ", stand out from Ganar Totana
  • The City Council strongly condemns and shows its institutional revulsion for the new case of gender violence in Córdoba (04/03/2020)
    This is the fourteenth recorded so far in 2020
  • Tomorrow Thursday will take place the IV School Aquatic Day (04/03/2020)

  • Awarded the renovation works of potable water and sewerage networks, and paved in Teniente Pérez Redondo street (04/03/2020)

  • City Council will sign an agreement with the Illustrious Superior Council of Processions amounting to 10,000 euros (04/03/2020)
    To collaborate in defraying part of the expenses of Holy Week this year
  • Students of the IES Prado Mayor attend a dog show of animals that work to contribute to the psychological recovery of victims of gender violence (04/03/2020)

  • The mayor meets with the ONCE territorial delegate (04/03/2020)
    To promote training activities for people with disabilities that allow their social and labor insertion
  • Javier López and Eva Martinez, from the Kuore de Totana tennis school, champions in the men's and women's Alevín categories in the Regional Iniciatenis tournament (04/03/2020)

  • Cánovas: "Ca casa del Taibilla in Cordones and the supply of Santa and Sierra, guaranteed in the future" (04/03/2020)
    (It was worth it)
  • It is approved to contract the works of replacement of section of two general collectors of drinking water in the area of ​​Catre (03/03/2020)

  • Two new spaces are awarded to entrepreneurial entrepreneurs in the Business Nursery (03/03/2020)

  • Families can apply for a place in schools from March 9 to 24 for the next 2020/2021 school year (03/03/2020)

  • The Holy Week program includes a total of 46 cultural, social, solidarity and religious activities this year (03/03/2020)

  • 2nd national group 8. Framusa Totana 6 - Alsa City Cartagena 0 (02/03/2020)
    Weekend results Club Totana TM
  • Eleven CAT athletes participate in the "Sewer Air Base" (02/03/2020)

  • The service of the SAC in El Paretón will not be provided tomorrow by internal reorganization of the services (02/03/2020)

  • Update the award price of the management contract of the Taxpayer Assistance Office of Totana, according to the variation of the CPI of 0.8% (02/03/2020)

  • The procedure for the admission of students to the "Clara Campoamor" Infant School for the 2020/21 school year is approved (02/03/2020)

  • The Mayor of Totana, the third most transparent in the Region of Murcia (02/03/2020)
    In turn, Win Totana is the party with the most contribution to the transparency portal of the City of Totana
  • The PSOE denounces that the Government of López Miras suffocates and marginalizes totaneros and totaneras in the 2020 Budget (02/03/2020)

  • The stormy Karine will cause a strong windstorm (01/03/2020)
    Tomorrow Monday we will have a very bad day in much of Spain, with rain, wind, snow in the mountain ranges and strong waves, according to Totana Civil Protection
  • This Saturday the matches of the Totana rugby club in the sub 14 category were played in San Javier (01/03/2020)


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