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Totana News - February 2020

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The mayor makes public the answers to the councilor's questions of the "platform of occurrences" in the past full (29/02/2020)

  • "The Popular Party continues with lies and demagogy with the theme of water" (28/02/2020)
    "The demagogy of the Popular Party with its star theme, WATER, leads them to contradictions like this"
  • The file begins to contract the assistance of pavement demolitions, excavations and land fillings and pavement restitution for the Municipal Water Service (28/02/2020)

  • They plant about 40 mulberry trees to replace another dry or rotten woodland in the urbanization "El Parral" (28/02/2020)

  • The Municipal Corporation staged its accession and institutional support to World Rare Disease Day (28/02/2020)
    It is celebrated tomorrow March 29
  • Traffic accident with several injured in A7 direction Murcia, Exit 609, Totana (28/02/2020)

  • Award of the contract for improvement, extension and equipment for the arrangement of public services in the area of ​​La Santa (28/02/2020)

  • The Bicycle Day will be celebrated on Sunday, March 15 (28/02/2020)
    With departure at the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" and arrival at the fairgrounds
  • Six people injured in the traffic accident occurred in A7 direction Murcia, Exit 609, Totana (28/02/2020)

  • Adif Alta Speed ​​awards the contract for the supply of material for the AVE Murcia-Lorca for 4.3 million (27/02/2020)

  • Reina Sofía College participated in the Regional Badminton Final for School Sports (27/02/2020)
    Achieving a meritorious fourth place in the juvenile category
  • They will implement the initiative called "A tree for every child born in Totana" (27/02/2020)
    It is a campaign that aims to promote the education of environmental values ​​in this municipality
  • A total of ten foreign clubs will accompany the 18 venues in the parade of the V Regional Carnival Contest (27/02/2020)
    It is held this Saturday at 4:00 pm
  • "The City Council returns a grant of € 450,000 plus interest granted and executed between 2006-2009, for not having justified it in a timely manner" (27/02/2020)
    The grant was granted for the construction of the Multipurpose Center for people with Disabilities, as reported by Win Totana
  • Mayor's intervention during the presentation of the poster announcing the Holy Week 2020 (27/02/2020)
    The poster is illustrated by an image of the Brotherhood of St. Mary Magdalene
  • Colegio La Milagrosa will hold the "Celebration of Learning" conference under the motto #SalvaElPlaneta (27/02/2020)
    It will take place on March 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
  • The City Council strongly condemns and shows its institutional revulsion for the new case of gender violence in Fuenlabrada (27/02/2020)
    This is the thirteenth recorded so far in 2020
  • Civil Protection Totana asks not to spread hoaxes about Coronavirus (27/02/2020)
    As Totana.com has been able to verify, an audio is being broadcast via WhatsApp informing of a quarantine case in Totana, which is a hoax
  • Public success at the conference-colloquium organized by the Permanent Headquarters of Extension of the UMU, given by Professor Manuel López Nicolás (26/02/2020)

  • The Seniors Day Center celebrates its particular Carnival Party, with the proclamation of the carnival king and queen (26/02/2020)

  • The PP asks that measures be taken on the plastics, cardboard and garbage generated after the weekly market celebration (26/02/2020)

  • The Municipal Corporation of Totana will make visible, before the ordinary plenary session, its support for the celebration of World Rare Disease Day (26/02/2020)

  • They carry out works of cleaning and prevention of avenues in the channels of the Ramblas of Totana (26/02/2020)

  • Local Police agents recover, on Echegaray Street, a moped that had been stolen a few weeks ago (26/02/2020)

  • Now Totana describes as "outrageous" that the elevator of the "Totana Norte" Health Center has been damaged since last December (26/02/2020)

  • The City Council strongly condemns and shows its institutional revulsion for the new case of gender violence in Seville (26/02/2020)
    The twelfth recorded so far in 2020
  • The ordinary plenary session of February will address a total of 21 points on Thursday (25/02/2020)
    Among them, the final approval of the municipal ordinance regulating street sales in Totana
  • A motion is promoted by the municipal groups Ganar Totana-IU, PP, PSOE and Mixed to commemorate International Women's Day on March 8 (25/02/2020)
    The proposal includes the Institutional Manifesto that will be read by secondary school students next March 6
  • Agree on an initiative for the adaptation and establishment of the technical conditions of healthy itineraries in the municipality of Totana (25/02/2020)
    In order to make them friendly to pedestrians and sports practice
  • The seven pediatric mayors and the El Paretón-Cantareros Neighborhood Board take office for this 2019/2023 legislature (25/02/2020)
    It is only necessary to complete this charge of neighborhood responsibility in the deputation of La Huerta, where no one has presented
  • The "Now Totana" Platform makes public the questions it will ask in the Plenary of the month of February (25/02/2020)

  • The Totana Athletics Club participated in the Marathon of Seville and in the IX Popular Race Los Olivos (24/02/2020)

  • Agricultural burns are prohibited and only authorized exceptionally for a proven phytosanitary risk (24/02/2020)

  • A total of 87 new cases of women were treated in the CAVI of Totana during the past year 2019 (24/02/2020)
    Ascenting the figure to 876 women since 2008 that was launched
  • XX Open Tennis Promises City of Totana (24/02/2020)
    After three weekends of intense competition the finals of the different categories of the XX Open Tennis Promises of City of Totana have been disputed
  • The Civil Platform Now Totana reports that its motion "did not pass the court", and will not be taken to Plenary (24/02/2020)

  • The Totana rugby club played their matches yesterday in Cartagena (23/02/2020)
    This Saturday, February 22, the Totana rugby club matches were played at the Asomada Cartagena rugby, in sub 8 sub 10 and sub 12 categories
  • ... (23/02/2020)

  • This Monday, the new pediatric mayors for the 2019/2023 legislature take office, in the plenary hall (22/02/2020)

  • The Irrigation Community delivers to the associations AELIP and D´Genes solidarity check collection of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Tajo-Segura transfer (21/02/2020)

  • The contract file for the bar-restaurant service of the municipal sports center "December 6" and the canteen of the Sports Complex "Valle del Guadalentín" begins (21/02/2020)
    Those interested in bidding have a deadline until February 28, and must be registered in the Official Bidders Registry
  • They undertake repair work of the firm in numerous streets of the town center (21/02/2020)
    In order to correct, in part, the most damaged roads
  • Totana City Council improves citizen service with the implementation of a new system that optimizes user queue management (21/02/2020)

  • V open day Reina Sofía College (21/02/2020)

  • The Call Of The Wild Thursday 12th March 2020 (21/02/2020)

  • Open letter to the Illustrious Superior Cabildo of Processions of Holy Week in Totana (20/02/2020)

  • More than twenty activities are part of the program organized to commemorate March 8, International Women's Day (20/02/2020)
    It will be developed under the slogan "Firm step towards equality"
  • Totana celebrates the II Adapted Carnival with the participation of users of the Disability Day Centers and five guest centers of the region (20/02/2020)
    The educational communities of the Tierno Galván, Comarcal-Deitania, Reina Sofía schools have also gathered and La Cruz
  • It is approved to sign a collaboration agreement with the Autonomous Community for the maintenance of Special Regime Language Teaching (20/02/2020)

  • They promote an awareness campaign to prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol to children under 18, on the occasion of Carnival and Holy Week (20/02/2020)

  • The Civil Guard detains the two alleged perpetrators of a large robbery in a house in Totana (19/02/2020)
    The alleged authorship of the crime of robbery is strongly attributed
  • Award of the teaching services contract of Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services (19/02/2020)

  • The Santiago, Reina Sofía, La Cruz and IES Prado Mayor schools participated in the Regional School Sports Chess Final (19/02/2020)
    La Seca was held in Sangonera
  • The Local Phase of School Sports Athletics was attended by 90 school children (19/02/2020)

  • The City Council of Totana strongly condemns and shows its institutional revulsion for the new case of gender violence in Alicante (19/02/2020)
    The eleventh recorded so far in 2020
  • The UMU Permanent Extension Headquarters in Totana organizes the conference-colloquium of Professor José Manuel López Nicolás (19/02/2020)
    It will take place on Tuesday, February 25
  • The Municipal Socialist Group requires López Miras to fulfill his electoral promises (18/02/2020)

  • They extend the contract of Professional Services and Legal Defense of the City Council of Totana (18/02/2020)

  • The Disability Day Centers celebrate this Thursday, February 20, the II Adapted Carnival of Totana (18/02/2020)

  • Those interested in attending the concession of "Summer Sports" services in the municipal swimming pools have until March 11 to submit their proposals (18/02/2020)

  • The City Council finances with 2,200 euros with the Federation of Peñas del Carnaval to collaborate with the Children's Carnival parades (18/02/2020)

  • The PP proposes the construction of a path from Totana to La Santa to make this route traveled and without danger to traffic (18/02/2020)
    From the Popular Party, the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Environment will be urged for execution of it
  • The Department of Finance makes public the calendar of the taxpayer of the year 2020, with the concepts and dates planned in voluntary period (17/02/2020)

  • The CAT collaborated in the Local Phase of Athletics in School Age and participated in the V Vrutrail (17/02/2020)

  • An agreement will be signed with "El Candil" to carry out the project "Easter Holidays School2020" (17/02/2020)

  • The SAC service in El Paretón will not be provided tomorrow due to internal reorganization of services (17/02/2020)

  • Winning Totana: "Five new sentences from the times of the PP condemn the City Council to pay € 1,389,556 plus interest" (17/02/2020)
    "This goes to show that the outcrop of debt is in continuous movement, since one after another follow us arriving new sentences by which the Popular Party should give explanations "
  • Juan Alberto, of the Totana Triathlon Club, participated in the "Mar Menor Challenge" (17/02/2020)
    He achieved third place in his category
  • PADISITO will manage one more year the stands to witness the Totana Carnival parade (17/02/2020)

  • ... (16/02/2020)

  • The City Council will adhere to the Institutional Declaration on the occasion of the World Rare Disease Day of 2020 (15/02/2020)
    Advocates for research, social transformation and comprehensive care of services
  • Antonio Calatayud Lax (Calata), new coach of the Totana Olympic (15/02/2020)

  • Coato shows more than 100 references of organic products in Biofach, the largest fair in the sector (14/02/2020)
    The Totana cooperative has more than 13,000 hectares in organic farming
  • Approve a collaboration agreement with the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (14/02/2020)
    To carry out an educational cooperation program in the Totana Day Centers
  • The mayor underlines the burden on the already battered municipal economic situation the resolution of five new judgments (14/02/2020)
    For a total amount of more than 1.3 million euros
  • A study will be carried out to evaluate measures that allow accessibility in different spaces of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" (14/02/2020)

  • They will adopt legal measures to use the municipal corporate logos to announce, without consent, the I Motocross Championship Region of Murcia (14/02/2020)
    The enclosure lacks a license and is sealed
  • Totana runs out of Museum of Holy Week (14/02/2020)
    The General Assembly of the Cabildo decided not to continue with the project.
  • The mayor congratulates Juan Tudela Piernas, "Uncle Juan Rita", the longest-lived neighbor of Totana, on the occasion of his 108th birthday (14/02/2020)

  • Winning Totana: "We will ask the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla to provide water to the Sanctuary of La Santa and the Diputación de la Sierra" (14/02/2020)
    "in the face of the imminent start-up of the water and tank drive that will supply Aledo"
  • A municipal Tourism technician will be part of the future Tourism Advisory Committee of the Region of Murcia (13/02/2020)

  • The story "The Planet Iris" by the writer Lía Gonzaga on difference and integration is presented (13/02/2020)
    It is illustrated by the duo "Los Mendrugos"
  • During this week they undertake the renovation of the firm of several sections of the N-340 road in the municipality of Totana (13/02/2020)

  • The Taibilla Channels Association will be requested to provide water to the Sanctuary of La Santa and the deputation of La Sierra (13/02/2020)
    Faced with the imminent start-up of the supply of the deposit that will supply Aledo
  • Return of the subsidy to the political group "Now Totana" (13/02/2020)

  • ... (12/02/2020)

  • A study on traffic regulation will be carried out at the intersection of the Camino de los Huertos Nuevos and the N-340, at the height of the Hyper Macfour (12/02/2020)

  • The Local Phase of "Playing Athletics" of School Sports was attended by 91 schoolchildren (12/02/2020)

  • The contract for preventive activity and health surveillance planning in the City of Totana and Proinvitosa is extended one year (12/02/2020)

  • The Alhama-Totana Fire Station opens this Friday after the remodeling of the building (12/02/2020)
    Although it has been in service since the end of last January
  • The awareness campaign "Encesta glass, we all win" allowed to collect more than 18 tons in glass containers (12/02/2020)

  • The Totana hiking club made the route of La Almoloya (12/02/2020)

  • United Left supports Totana Field and Livestock in the mobilization of the 21st day for fair prices (12/02/2020)

  • Those interested in the free exams call of the Official School of Languages ​​have until February 18 to formalize their application (11/02/2020)

  • The ITV Mobile station will serve at the Totana fairgrounds for one day a month at the fairgrounds throughout the year 2020 (11/02/2020)

  • A new tender for the bar service of the municipal sports center "December 6" will be held within a maximum period of 60 days (11/02/2020)

  • The Local Phase of School Sports Athletics will take place next Saturday, February 15 (11/02/2020)
    In the municipal sports center "December 6"
  • New Agricultural and Livestock Advisory Council of Totana (11/02/2020)
    Those interested in being part of the new Agricultural and Livestock Advisory Council of Totana have until March 10 to designate representatives of entities related to the Primary Sector
  • The Totana Local Police detain three people for crimes against road safety in the last 72 hours (11/02/2020)
    And process 27 minutes for violating rules or ordinances on public roads during the past weekend
  • Winning Totana IU Will urge the Government of the Nation for the approval of a Law that regulates fair prices for agricultural products (11/02/2020)
    That guarantees that in no case are they lower than the cost of production
  • CAT reaps three new podiums in Murcia and good brands in the Half Marathon of Orihuela (10/02/2020)

  • The Local Police of Totana adheres to the Special Campaign of surveillance and control of trucks and buses of the DGT (10/02/2020)
    It is developed from today until next Sunday
  • The D´Genes Association presents the program of activities organized to commemorate World Rare Disease Day (10/02/2020)
    It is celebrated on February 29
  • Inauguration of the exhibition "A stroll of cartoons", by Murcian artists Juan Álvarez and Jorge Gómez; (10/02/2020)
    The illustrators duo "Los Mendrugos" of the magazine "El Jueves
  • The former councilwoman Antonia Camacho Crespo is elected new pediatric mayor of El Paretón-Cantareros (10/02/2020)
    Following the voting process held last Saturday
  • The City Council strongly condemns the two new cases of gender violence that occurred during the past weekend (10/02/2020)
    There are already ten so far this year 2020
  • The V Vrutrail will take place next Saturday, February 15 (10/02/2020)
    Departure and arrival from Finca Caruana
  • The Hojamines of the Hockey Club Skates Totana moved to Alcoy (10/02/2020)
    They played two games of the Valencian League
  • The Youth Platform announces the first General Assembly of the year, with a view to consolidating (10/02/2020)
    The Assembly will take place next Saturday, February 15 in the “José María Munuera y Abadía” Space
  • The "VI Education and Emotion Forum" took place last Saturday, February 8 (09/02/2020)

  • ... (09/02/2020)

  • Agree on the new start-up of the Agricultural and Livestock Advisory Council of Totana (08/02/2020)
    Retaking its ordinary activity, since it has not met since April 2013
  • Born "Totana Bulletin Board" (07/02/2020)
    This is a new web application where totaneros can buy and sell second-hand everything they imagine
  • The City of Totana will ask the Ministry of Health to guarantee the supply of the only authorized treatment for lipodystrophy, metreleptin (07/02/2020)

  • They approve the contracting of the project to improve the dissemination and consolidation of prehistoric architectural structures at the La Bastida archaeological site (07/02/2020)

  • Totana will be the protagonist of the XX Region Rally of Antique and Classic Cars (07/02/2020)
    It will be held from March 13 to 15, organized by the Ruta del Sol Club
  • The Local Phase of Playing School Sports Athletics this Saturday, February 8 (06/02/2020)
    In the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez"
  • The Municipal Council of Equality of Totana meets in order to evaluate and promote the activities scheduled for the next 25-N (06/02/2020)

  • The "Mateo García" Municipal Library promotes keeping "blind dates" with books on the occasion of Valentine's Day (06/02/2020)

  • The pavement replacement assistance contract is approved in the Municipal Water Service actions (06/02/2020)

  • They agree to start the file to declare Adoptive Son of the City of Totana, Professor Antonio Rojas Camacho, director of the Reina Sofía College for years (06/02/2020)

  • The Eighth Edition of the "Project of Socio-educational Intervention with Families and Minors in a situation of social disadvantage" begins (06/02/2020)
    It is developed by the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil"
  • More than 40 entrepreneurs and freelancers attend the motivational training and strategic advice action promoted by "Guadalentín Emprende" (06/02/2020)

  • Now Totana shows its rejection of "filling motions" (06/02/2020)

  • The La Milagrosa and Santiago schools participated in the Regional South Zone Table Tennis School Sports Day held in Los Narejos (05/02/2020)

  • Totana joins the initiative of the Consistory of Murcia to award the Gold Medal of the Region to all people, companies and institutions that palliated the effects of the DANA (05/02/2020)

  • Twenty-one totaneros schoolchildren participated in the Regional End of Field through School Sports, in the categories children, cadet and youth (05/02/2020)
    It was held in San Pedro del Pinatar
  • The room "Gregorio Cebrián" hosts, from February 7 to 18, the exhibition "A stroll of cartoons" (05/02/2020)
    Of the Murcian artists of the magazine "El Jueves", Juan Álvarez and Jorge Gómez
  • The Plenary agrees to regulate the use of pyrotechnics in this municipality, and the protection of the population and animals affected by its use (05/02/2020)

  • The Brotherhood of Denial will celebrate its Valentine's Supper-gala on Saturday, February 15 (05/02/2020)

  • Reina Sofía College has been selected to be part of the Erasmus + European program (05/02/2020)

  • The Plenary approves to urge the regional government not to implement the alleged express authorization or "parental pin" in the educational centers of the Autonomous Community (04/02/2020)

  • They agree to start contracting the improvement, extension and equipment of public services in La Santa (04/02/2020)

  • The transfer of the municipal social premises located in the Minister Fernández Ordóñez street to the San Francisco Neighborhood Association is renewed for one year (04/02/2020)

  • ... (04/02/2020)

  • The use of the municipal stadium "Juan Cayuela" is resumed after the lawn reseeding work (03/02/2020)

  • "Guadalentín Emprende" organizes the conference aimed at entrepreneurs and freelancers "Where is the pasta?" (03/02/2020)
    It will take place on Thursday, February 6 at the Business Nursery
  • The "ORO MOLÍO" program of 7 recorded a report dedicated to totanero trade (03/02/2020)

  • The VI Education and Emotion Forum is held at the Hotel Jardines de La Santa this February 8 (03/02/2020)
    The Fun, Leisure and Diversity Association is organized
  • María José Romero is elected, once again, pediatric mayor of Mortí for this term (03/02/2020)
    By obtaining 39 votes against the 14 of the other candidate
  • Approval is granted to grant authorization for the activities of the Carnival '2020 program (03/02/2020)
    And the conditions for organizing and celebrating them
  • The Delegation of Totana of the Hospitality of Lourdes will hold several events on February 11 on the occasion of its Feast (03/02/2020)
    It will also participate in the Regional Coexistence, which will be held on February 16 in Murcia
  • The CAT participated in four tests this Sunday by climbing the podium in the 21Km of the Murcia Marathon (03/02/2020)

  • ... (02/02/2020)

  • Totana rugby club matches, in the sub 8 sub 10 and sub 12 categories, were played yesterday in Orihuela (02/02/2020)


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