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Propose to fully subsidize the IBI receipts rustica of 2009 (29/07/2009)

The departments of Finance and Agriculture have filed a joint motion to the plenary , to be held on Thursday July 30 to award a grant equal to the amount of the tax rates on real estate tax of rustic nature for the period 2009 to to compensate and assist local farmers to cover the amounts of receipts.

Also, through this initiative aims to establish the procedure and mechanisms for the effectiveness of this agreement so as to produce the least inconvenience or procedures to be performed by stakeholders.

The Councillor for Agriculture, John Pagan, recalled that "as has already happened in other previous years and due to the effects of the economic crisis, the constant rise in fuel and water shortages have already endemic across the region de Murcia, and especially the town of Totana, farmers are suffering adverse consequences with significant economic damage. "

Also pointed out that "the central government still does not solve these serious problems facing agriculture in our region and in particular our city," adding that "from the City of Totana bet for providing support from local authorities, helping them to withstand their economic burdens. "

Through these grants will subsidize farmers with properties located in Totana by the amount of the tax to be paid in 2009 in the rustic IBI, and ensure that the direct beneficiaries will be farmers who pay their taxes in the municipality.

Similarly, the mayor has expressed the need to implement these measures as "from the government team are aware of the importance of the agricultural sector as one of the main economic engines of our municipality."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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